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My ADHD spouse has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD). I have compassion for how difficult this is for him, but as…

Several ADHD specialists have mentioned ADHD is an expensive lifestyle. I completely agree. I wouldn’t have a cleaning lady come…

As the non-ADD partner, I will take on way more than I should, and way more than is healthy for…

It’s taking me some time to figure out Who I want to be while trying to wrap my head around…

I try to accept that my husband’s ADHD is a disorder, but it can be tough to NOT take things…

Who am I now? I’ve been a wife for almost ten years and a mother for four. My husband, who…

In many ways, I have felt last in line with my ADHD spouse. I don’t need us together all of…

How My Kitchen Stayed Clean No one wants to walk into a kitchen that is full of dirty yucky after…

As the non-ADD partner, I dove deep into the thoughts about Who I used to be? Who I am now?…